About Me

Greetings, may your debugging journey be as enlightening as a Zen master's wisdom.

I'm Hein, the owner Warky Devs. With many years of experience in the tech industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project I undertake.

My Journey

My journey in the tech world began while I was still in school, where I started working with Linux. It was during this time that I pursued my LPIC (Linux Professional Institute) certification, solidifying my expertise in Linux systems.

After completing my certification, I enrolled in university where I studied information systems and programming. It was during this period that I further honed my skills and laid the foundation for my career.

While contemplating pursuing my master's degree, I briefly tutored at the university. However, I soon realized that my true passion lay in development, and I decided to pursue it full-time.

My journey has taken me through various industries and technologies, from modding games like CS1.6 and Half-Life Deathmatch to crafting immersive online experiences. Delving further into the vehicle tracking industry, I honed my skills in system integration.

My passion for innovation led me to explore new horizons, including writing C++ desktop tools, contributing to open-source projects, and immersing myself in the world of Linux.

For the past decade, I've been a key player at Bitech Systems, one of the leading providers of Debt Counselling software. Continuing our collaboration, Warky Devs works jointly with Bitech Systems, developing new web solutions together, pushing technology and innovation.

With over 10 years of experience, I consider myself an expert in PostgreSQL, leveraging its power to build robust and scalable solutions. Additionally, I'm currently diving into new languages like Go and Rust, expanding my skill set and staying at the forefront of technology.

I'm excited to continue delivering innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the tech world.